bradley for melon playground sandbox


Bradley Fighting Vehicle for Melon Playground and Melon Sandbox.

  • Goes forward/backward,
  • Shoots,
  • Crew and troopers included,
  • Not buggy,
  • The hatch opens.
Added18 May, 2023
Size1 Mb
File namem_bredly.melsave

How to properly add Bradley mod to Melon Playground (Melon Sandbox)?

  1. Download the mod.

    Just click ‘Download’ button above and mod will be downloaded to your device.
    How to download .melmod or .melsave?

  2. Unzip it if NECESSARY.

    What IS THE extension OF the mod file YOU just downloaded?
    If it ENDS WITH .melmod or .melsave, skip this step and go to the step #3.

    Some Melon mods MAY consist of two or more files. If THE mod file has .zip AT the end, IT must BE UNZIPPED before installing, AS Melon Sandbox (Playground) only works with .melmod and .melsave files.

    Open Zarchiver or FV File Manager and NAVIGATE to the Download folder to find the zip packAGE you’ve just downloadED. Extract it.
    how to unzip melmod or melsave from zip-archive?

  3. Add mods to the game

    CLICK ON EVERY .melsave / .melmod files to IMPORT THEM INTO Melon Playground (MELON SANDBOX).
    How to step / install add ons to Melon Playground and Melon Sandbox?

  4. Restart Melon Sandbox (Playground)

    After completing these steps just restart the game and enjoy the mod you’ve just imported!
    Import addons into Melon Playground (Melon Sandbox).


One response to “Bradley”

  1. King_slayer Avatar

    Amazing mod with my name

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